This article was written by Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM, and shared with his permission.

Most health problems are the result of an underlying energy imbalance, made worse from poor diet and vaccination. they are rarely acute diseases (except injuries). therefore, you may find that the problem does not clear up as you expect or recurs. if the disease (i.e., cystitis) clears up rapidly and then comes back, even with a response to repeated treatment, you need to be thinking that you are dealing with an underlying predisposition to illness. as we cure animals of disease, we find that certain other normal things go away, too.  do not be satisfied with the health of your animal until most of the following symptoms are gone. look for these in young, apparently healthy animals, and treat quickly.

Signs Of Underlying Energy Imbalance Often Deemed Normal in Dogs

Signs Of Underlying Energy Imbalance Often Deemed Normal in Cats

Signs Of Equine Underlying Energy Imbalance

Other Species

How would they be in the wild? Is this really healthy? Learn the normals and be open to more health.